Committee Responsibilities Community Standards Committee

Community Standards Committee

Board Motions Community Standards Committee

Oct 2021 – Committee Members included on Insurance

Policy for Committee Member approval for D&O and WC coverage: Motion by Kauffman/seconded by L. Detrick/unanimously approved to approve policy

Board Motions Community Standards Committee

Oct 2021 – Re-landscaping at Entrance Sign

Approval of Landscaping on Sign: Motion by Bready/seconded by Kauffman/unanimously approved

Board Motions Community Standards Committee

Oct 2021 – Rezoning

The board approved a motion 5-0 to pursue rezoning BG from A-1 Agricultural to R-1 Residential. The resolution was:

Resolved, that the BGHOA subdivision be re-zoned from its current A-1 status to R-1, and

Be it further resolved, that the BGHOA submit to the Franklin County Board of Supervisors, at the next meeting of the Supervisors, a letter requesting that Franklin County Planning Commission to comprehensively re-zone the BGHOA subdivision from its current status of A-1 to R-1, and stating reasons supporting such action.

On this 7th day of October, 2021, the BGHOA Board of Directors unanimously adopted the foregoing resolutions.

Peter Kauffman, President